Tip 1: Time out and relax
As a new mother, you have many duties: breastfeeding, comforting, wrapping and building a bond. But you must not forget yourself under any circumstances. You still have pain after childbirth, just want to rest and put your legs up? Then do it quietly! You can leave the household behind for the next few weeks and only take care of yourself and your baby. It constantly registers visitors? Invite only the people who really matter to you and don’t do any work for you. You can also have the exhausting visit come directly to the hospital. So you save yourself the food and tidying up.
Sleep when your baby is sleeping, take a relaxing bath or have your partner massage your feet.
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Tip 2: Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle
Your most important task now is to get to know your baby. Spend as much time as possible with him so that he can build a bond with you. Put it skin to skin on your stomach, sing songs to it or attend a baby massage class together. When cuddling, happiness hormones are also released in both of you. These in turn ensure that more milk is produced in your breasts. Enjoy your baby especially in the first few weeks, because it grows incredibly fast!
Tip 3: Buy a sling
If your baby screams a lot, you’re probably wondering if you’re doing something wrong. However, there are many reasons why babies cry. They can’t speak yet and try to show you what they’re missing. If your baby cannot be calmed down despite all the fulfillment of the basic needs, it is worth buying a sling. In it, you can carry your baby around during all activities. Due to your proximity, it feels safe and secure and will be calmed down faster.
You can take your baby in the sling for all activities: walking, shopping, cleaning, tidying up and even exercising.
Tip 4: Get some fresh air
Your body is probably still a bit exhausted from birth. This is quite normal. The faster you start moving again, the easier your body recovers. That’s why it’s helpful if you start walking right after giving birth. Especially after a caesarean section, it is only a few meters that you can walk. But practice makes perfect! Walk in the fresh air as much as your body can every day. Not only will you soon be fitter again, but your baby will also get used to the walks. By the way, happiness hormones are released in the fresh air in our body. That’s good for both of you!
Find another mom to walk with you. Together it is twice as much fun and you can exchange ideas.
Tip 5: Ask for help
You mastered everything on your own before the birth and were proud of it? Many women belong to this category. After birth, it is often different. The baby cries a lot, spits you constantly full and you are happy if you can at least go to the toilet in peace before the baby is hungry again. Now it’s important to ask for help or say “yes” when it’s offered to you. The mother-in-law wants to do your laundry? Class! The neighbor cooked for you? Great! There are also times when you can do everything on your own.
Let your partner do the household, have your mom take care of the baby for an hour so you can sleep, or have a girlfriend shop for you.